
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Meet the Guest Moderators for July's Special Twitter Chat

Back in April, I shared with you a post called, "Stepping Outside Our Comfort Zone." It was about the the first-ever Twitter Chat called #USedchat hosted by Holly Sutherland and me. For the first #USedchat, we had a twitter party in our high school library for those who were first-time participants and for those who just like to be a part of the action. The chat was a huge success, and we're looking forward to the next quarterly chat that will be held on July 29th.

For the next chat, we've lined up four awesome state chat leaders from around the country to be guest moderators! We're very excited about the topic, Student Voice, and I'm excited to introduce the presenters here in today's post. 

From Arkansas, Daisy Dyer Duerr

Daisy is a co-moderator of #ArkEdChat


From Rhode Island, Don Miller

Don is a co-moderator of #edchatri


From Georgia, Aaryn Schmuhl
Aaryn is the moderator for #gaed

You can read more about Aaryn on his blog here:


From California, David Theriault

David is a co-moderator of #CAedchat

You can read more about David on his blog here:


We hope you will spread the word and encourage your PLN to join the #USedchat on July 29th at 8pmCST!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer- thank you for organizing this and bringing us together as an entire country on such an important topic. Students are the stakeholders that get left out of the decision making process far too often.
