
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Why I Lead... #SAVMP

Thank you, George Couros, for starting the School Admin Virtual Mentor Program. I love learning and connecting with other educators, and when I read about his starting this opportunity I knew I wanted to be a part of this movement! (You can follow the hashtag twitter, #SAVMP, to read more.) As a mentor, George tasked us with writing a blog post answering one of the questions, "Why I lead?" or "Why am I an educator?" 

When I think about leading, I can't help but draw from my athletic background - as an athlete and as a coach. 

As an athlete, I had coaches who 
  • believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, 
  • made me do things I didn't want to do because they knew in the long run it would make me a better athlete
  • pushed me to challenge my limits, physically, mentally and emotionally
  • inspired me to be the best ME at whatever I was doing
  • developed life-lasting relationships built on trust, empathy, love, and respect
As a coach and leader, I draw from those experiences. 

As a leader, I want to 
  • inspire others to believe in themselves through my belief in them
  • encourage others to try new things and step out of their comfort zones
  • support others in their professional journeys
  • develop life-lasting relationships built on trust, empathy, love, and respect

I also have to answer the question "Why am I an educator?" because it is not just something that I do, it's WHO I AM.

I'm passionate about teaching and learning, and I strongly believe in public education. I do everything I can to make sure students have the best opportunity to have an excellent teacher in their lives. By being a lead learner in the school, I can create greater positive change to benefit more students. 

I also love learning and challenging myself to grow. When George sent out the call for educators to join the program, I jumped on it. I knew that I had a lot to share through my experiences as an educator, and I also knew that I would learn a lot from the awesome list of educators who would be a part of #SAVMP. 

Thanks for reading!

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