
Monday, July 14, 2014

When Dreams Come True - Motivation Monday #28 {July 14, 2014}

Every Monday I post quotes and/or videos to inspire and motivate you through your week. Get ready for a great one!

What a school we would have if everyone did a dance in the parking lot as they entered the building. Sound crazy? That's what Tim does when he goes to work. Check out the video...

For a dream like this to happen, it can't happen alone. When your dreams are big, allow others to get in your corner with you so that they can support you along the way to reaching your dreams!

Have a super week, and DREAM BIG!


  1. I always love your positive outlook on life and education! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks so much for commenting, Keith. Tim, in the video above, is a wonderful example for us all! Thanks again for taking the time to read and share.
