
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Goals for the 2014-15 School Year

At the beginning of 2014, I shared My Three Words for 2014. These three words, Discipline, Intentional, and Balance have been the driving force behind personal goals that I have set for myself this year. My goals have been ones that were for me personally (trying to run 500 miles in 2014) as well as for me professionally (leading the literacy team at school.) In this blog post, I will be sharing my goals for the new school year. 

Goal: Increase student voice. I love what principal Jason Markey has done at Leyden High School with allowing students to take over their school's twitter account. I want to follow their lead and allow students to take over the school's twitter account during the year. 

Goal: Lead literacy learning. Literacy has always been important to me, but Dick Allington lit a fire under me when I heard his presentation, We Can Teach All Kids to Read, in February of this year. It has led to the creation of a literacy team at Hoover High School. (I will share the team's plans in an upcoming post.)

Goal: Continue to run and walk as part of the #500in2014 challenge and add back in workouts with my battle rope & kettlebells. If I'm not healthy, I can't give my best to others. Just like they tell you on the airplane, put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then you can help others put theirs on.

Goal: Create more family time. This is my oldest daughter's senior year in high school, so my goal is to be intentional about planning family time together. It's easy for all of us to splinter and be distracted by our own interests, but I plan to create some family experiences for us in this last year before she goes off to college. 

Now, if you've read through what I've typed above and if you've been following my blog or me on twitter, you are probably thinking, "Only 2 professional and 2 personal goals?? No way, Jennifer. You've always got something cookin'!"

Which is true! I DO always have something going. Most recently, I formed The Compelled Bloggers Community with Craig Vroom, did a live Google Hangout on Air for #USedchat, and last week I hosted a linky party on my blog

Tomorrow night I'm doing a GHO panel discussion on blogging with Sarah Thomas (@sarahdateechur) and the D.C. Metro Area Google Educators Group. On August 12th, I'm going to be interviewed by Brian Sztabnik for a Talks With Teachers podcast

So, yes, I admit it. I do have a lot going, but it's because I'm a learner. I'm curious and love learning something new. I also love teaching, and part of that for me is modeling and being able to understand the process, which means I have to do it myself in order to teach others. So while I'm doing lots of things, there are goals that I have that I want to reach. And if I'm not careful, the "things" that I'm doing can get in the way of staying on the path to my goals. 

Clear as mud?

Let's do this!

Edited 2022: During the summer of 2021, we said goodbye to the Compelled Bloggers Community, as we all moved into different directions in our personal and professional lives.


  1. Jennifer,
    I LOVE the fact that you are "limiting" your goals. As Steve Jobs said, saying no can often be more important than saying yes. If I want to give my best in some areas, I have to learn to limit myself in others. I also love the emphasis on taking care of yourself SO you can serve others. Wishing you all the best personally and professionally.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Greg. I have learned to say no, although it doesn't come naturally. I'm curious and love to learn, so I like to take advantage of every opportunity to do so. I want to keep these 4 goals in the front so that I can stay on the path and avoid distractors. Thanks for your comments!

  2. Jennifer,

    I too love what Jason Markey is doing at Leyden HS. At edcampleadership his name was mentioned several times during a session by Jimmy Casas, Tony Sinanis and others. I'm hoping to do some of the same this year!

    I too need to make sure to take time for myself (exercise and family). Both are so much easier over the summer and I usually keep the momentum going through October before it all fades. Gotta' do better this year.

    1. Reed, I've found that the public #500in2014 has kept me going consistently this year. I'm sure it's the competitive side of me that doesn't want to come in absolute last place and it's the perfectionist part of me that doesn't want to not meet a goal that's public. :-) Either way, it's working! Good for you for making exercise a priority... I encourage you to find a group to do it with.

      Keep me posted on what you're doing with student voice. I always learn from you!

  3. I think taking care of yourself is very important in the journey of taking care of others. It's easy to give, give, give but remembering to take care of personal goals along the way can make you a stronger, healthier leader in the long run. Best wishes on tackling all of your goals - the ones stated as well as the other ones that fit into these overall categories!

    1. Thanks, Jen, for visiting and leaving a comment. So often, we put ourselves last on our priority list, but we need to put our health at or near the top so that we can be at our best. Thanks for your encouragement!

  4. You and your posts inspire me. I could learn a lot from your personal goals and will reflect on them to see what I can commit to as well. Thanks for leading #compelledtribe.

    1. Lisa, I appreciate your words! Make yourself a priority, too, as we go into this school year so that you can be your best to create the best year yet!

  5. I love how you have set personal and professional goals, but have also acknowledged that you will focus on and accomplish many things not on this list. Makes for a full life! :)
    I'd love to hear more about how you create more time for family while being a school leader...I'm still trying to navigate this challenge.
    Very grateful for the #compelledtribe opportunity!
