
Monday, February 27, 2017

Heart-driven education in the 21st century

Ask any good educator about their role... it's more than a job. It's who we are. It's our calling. Being an educator who is heart-driven and provides a heart-driven education is extremely important in today's times.

We must be willing and able to come alongside students to give whatever assistance we can to help those students become all that they can be. This can start at every level of education, no matter the age of the students. In heart-driven education, we must know our “why” and our “who” first.

Educators who are heart-driven are passionate about their roles. They strive to build positive, impactful relationships with their students and prepare them for their next stages of life. There’s never been a more important time for educators to embrace change, lead with their hearts, and model empathy for students.

Tonight (February 27), we will discuss heart-driven education in the global twitter chat, #ALedchat.

Here are some questions to inspire your own thinking about heart-driven education. The actual questions will be given during the chat.

  • Heart-driven educators have an unshakable sense of purpose. How do we find, hire, and retain heart-driven educators?
  • How do we teach kids gratitude?
  • The basis of a heart-driven education is the willingness to serve. How is this demonstrated in your classroom/school?
  • Heart-driven educators focus on relationships instead of tasks to motivate. 
  • What does cultivating intention and purpose look like in schools?
  • Heart-driven is learning to be vulnerable in a safe space. What does this look like in your setting?
  • What does this look like in your school → freedom and space to create, dream, grow, and explore
  • Where do stakeholder relationships fit in a heart-driven education?
  • How is heart-driven education different from servant leadership?
  • Heart-driven education can lead to meaningful change. What do you want your students to change in their futures?
  • Heart-driven education helps students find their passion. What does/can this look like at all levels?

Everyone is welcome to join us Monday nights 9-10pmCST for #ALedchat. We value the insights, perspectives, and experiences of those in our PLN.

**Here’s a time converter to assist all of you around the globe in converting 9pm CST to your local time. 

I'm one of the founders and hosts of this chat. If you have any questions, feel free to email me

Everyone is welcome. I hope you will all join us Monday night for #ALedchat.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! We must know our "WHY" and "WHO" first. If we start here, then we will be on the right track as we help students. Looks like it's going to be a great chat Jennifer!

