
Monday, February 6, 2017

How can I use Voxer as a school leader?

How to Use Voxer

Have I told you lately how much I love Voxer?

I love being able to hear other people's enthusiasm and passion for a subject, and it's also fun to hear so many different accents from educators across the globe. It was intimidating at first to jump into conversations where it seemed that everyone was so comfortable talking with each other. I sort of felt like an eavesdropper, then as someone "butting in" a conversation. Now that I've been on Voxer a while, I know that when a new person is added to a group I'm in, no one feels that way about the new group member. We welcome the diverse viewpoints and the enrichment to the conversation. So if you're just dipping your toes in the Voxer water... I encourage you to jump on in!

Today's post is specifically for school leaders, current or aspiring. I would also love to hear other ideas in the comments or on The Compelled Educator Facebook page

Ways to use Voxer as a school leader:

  • Communication with other administrators in your building or district
  • After visiting a teacher’s classroom, send him/her a Vox describing the good things you saw happening
  • If a teacher doesn't have Voxer set up, send a Vox to yourself after visiting a classroom, then forward that Vox to the teacher in an email.
  • Build relationships with administrators across the state, country, or globe to share ideas, solve problems, and gain leadership/management strategies
  • Create or join a book study. This can be done with people you know in person or educators you've met on social media.
  • Reduce face-to-face meeting time with your administrative team by discussing issues on Voxer prior to meeting
  • Join or create a Voxer group to increase professional learning
  • Reach out to others on Voxer for resources on new programs and initiatives

What else would you add? I would love to hear from you in the comments below, on Twitter, or on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    I love how you are sharing the benefits of Voxer and ways you can use it to grow and communicate. I never really understood Voxer and hesitated to start using it for far too long. Of course, now that I'm using it more I wish I had started sooner. Had I read a blog post like this one earlier on, I know I would have jumped in earlier. Thanks so much for sharing such creative ideas! I especially love the idea of starting discussions on Voxer prior to a meeting to save time.
